Let's Learn Together: Vocabulary

Here's our vocabulary from "Let's Learn Together"!
All definitions come from dic.naver.com unless specified as coming from elsewhere.

일어나 (Stand Up) // J-Min
  1. 일어나다 (verb):  to get up, to stand up [from a place]
  2. 힘들다 (adjective):  to be hard, to be strenuous [physically]
  3. 힘겹다 (adjective):  to be hard, to be difficult
  4. 포기 (noun):  abandonment // (verb):  to give up on, to abandon
  5. 지키다 (verb):  to guard, to take care of;  to keep, to obey
  6. 지켜보다 (verb):  to watch [closely], to wait and see
  7. 당당하다 (adjective):  confident, dignified;  majestic
  8. 구름 (noun):  cloud(s)
  9. 미래 (noun):  future
  10. 어깨 (noun):  shoulder(s)
소원을 말해봐 (Genie) // 소녀시대
  1. 이상형 (noun):  ideal type
  2. 그리다 (verb):  draw, paint, sketch; describe [portray] ( /sth as sth), depict; imagine, picture (sb/sth as sth, sb doing sth)
  3. 달리다 (verb):  run, dash, gallop; drive, gallop
  4. 이끌리다 (verb):  be led, be guided; be driven (by), be carried away (by)
  5. 던지다 (verb):  throw, pitch, cast, toss, fling, flip; throw oneself (into); throw; cast
  6. 믿다 (adjective):  believe, credit; trust, believe in; believe in, have faith in
  7. 열정 (noun):  passion, ardor, fervor
  8. 이루다 (adjective):  achieve, accomplish, fulfill, attain, realize
  9. 깨어나다 (verb):  wake (up), awaken, awake; come around (to), regain [recover] consciousness; be disillusioned
  10. 들어주다 (verb):  grant, accede (to)
  1. 충분하다 (verb):  to be sufficient, to be enough, to be good, to be thorough
  2. 과분하다 (adjective):  generous, undeserved, excessive
  3. 다니다 (verb):  go, frequent;  pass;  run
  4. 도대체 (adverb):  at all;  what the hell
  5. 살짝 (adverb):  slightly
  6. 귓가 (noun):  the rim of the ear
  7. 한계 (noun):  limit(s);  limitation(s)
  8. 넘어서다 (verb):  to pass, to [get] over
  9. 뛰다 (verb):  rush, dash
  10. 빨라지다 (adjective):  to quicken
  11. *전기 충격 (noun):  an electric shock
  1. 함께 (adverb):  together (with), along with; in company with
  2. 매일 (noun):  daily, every day, each day; day after day, day in, day out
  3. 해주다 (verb):  do for; do as a favor; help
  4. 천국 (noun):  paradise; heaven
  5.  (noun):  breast; bosom; width (of); {arms}
  6. 오직 (adverb):  only, solely, alone, exclusively; but
  7. 감사 (noun):  gratitude, appreciation, thanks; appreciate, thank, be thankful, be grateful
  8. 목소리 (noun):  voice; tone (of voice)
  9. 부럽다 (adjective):  envious (of)
  10. 이유 (noun):  reason; cause; grounds (for); excuse (for); pretext (for)
봄날 (One Fine Spring Day) // 슈퍼주니어
  1. 화분 (noun):  flowerpot, pot
  2. 드리우다 (verb):  to cast
  3. 겨울 (noun):  winter
  4. 사실 (adverb):  fact, truth; actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, to be honest, to tell the truth
  5. 그리우다 (verb):  miss, long for; feel [be] homesick [for]
  6. 사소하다 (adjective):  trivial, minor, insignificant, unimportant, trifling, petty
  7. 향기 (noun):  scent, fragrance, perfume; redolence; aroma
  8. 흩어지다 (verb):  scatter, disperse
  9. 훗날 (noun):  the future
  10. 얘기하다 (verb):  [Informal - 이야기하다] to talk, speak, tell
늑대와 미녀 (Wolf) // EXO
  1. 미녀 (noun):  "beauty" or "beautiful woman"
  2. 색깔 (noun):  "color" (i.e. "one's true colors").  Also:  "color" (i.e. I like the color pink.)
  3. 잡아먹다 (verb):  "prey on; feed on".  Also:  "consume"
  4. 발톱 (noun):  "claw" or "toenail" or "talon"
  5.  (noun):  "weakness; fault".  Also: "disease, sickness, ailment, disorder"
  6. 물다 (verb):  "bite" or "snap" or "nip".  Also: "have [hold] sth in one's mouth"
  7. 다음 (preposition):  "(the) next, the following)"
  8. 보름달 (noun):  "the full moon"
  9. 늑대 (noun):  "wolf"
  10. 특별 (adverb):  "special"
YOO-HOO // 시크릿
  1. 끌리다 (adjective):  "be drawn (to)" or "be attracted [fascinated] (by)
  2. 위로 (noun):  "console" or "comfort"
  3. 애인 (noun):  "lover".  Also: "boyfriend"
  4. 조금씩 (adverb):  "gradually" or "little by little" or "bit by bit" or "inch by inch"
  5. 움직이다 (verb):  "move" or "touch".  Also:  "change"
  6. 온통 (adverb):  "all" or "entirely" or "wholly" or "altogether"
  7. 참다 (verb):  "suppress" or "stifle" or "stop [resist] (doing)" or "hold [fight, force] back" or "restain oneself (from doing)"
  8. 놓치다 (verb):  "miss" or "lose"
  9. 알아주다 (verb):  "recognize" or "appreciate" or "acknowledge"
  10. 잠자다 (verb):  "sleep" or "catch some z's" or "go to bed"
  1. 충격 (noun):  "shock" or "jolt"
  2. 찌릿찌릿* (onamonapeia):  a tingly sensation associated with a small electrical shock; also used to describe the sensation you get when you see someone you have a crush on.
  3. 돌아가다 (verb):  "return" or "go [get, turn] back"
  4. 똑각** (onamonapeia):  the sound heels make when walking in them (usually translated as "click-clock")
  5. 멋쟁이 (noun):  "sharp dresser" or "smart dresser"
  6. 걸다 (verb):  "cast [put] a spell on" or "hypnotize"
  7. 반하다 (verb):  "fall in love (with)" or "fall for" or "be enamored (of/with)" or "give [lose] one's heart to sb" or "have a crush on sb" or "be taken with [by]" or "take a fancy to sb" or "be keen on"
  8. 매력 (noun):  "(sex) appeal" or "charm" or "attraction" or "magnetism"
  9. 들어오다 (verb):  "enter" or "come [get] in(to)" or "walk [step] in(to)".  Also "pull in".  Also: "come into sight [view]" or "come into one's head"
  10. 취하다 (adjective):  "be drunk on [with]" or "be enraptured" or "get intoxicated"
*Credit:  Translator Café
**Credit:  소연언니

  1. 부딪히다 (adjective):  "to be bumped (crashed) into" or be bumped (run) against"
  2. 이겨내다 (verb):  "overcome" or "conquer (the enemy)" or "get over (a disease)" or "resist (a temptation)"
  3. 숨을 고르다 (phrase):  "to get one's breath"
  4. 깨우다 (verb):  "wake (up)" or "awaken" or "awake"
  5.  (noun):  "second"
  6.  (noun):  "(spare) time"
  7. 기사 (noun):  "knight"
  8.  (noun):  "sword" or "saber"
  9. 비끼다 (verb):  "to lie aslant" or "hang at an angle" or {"deflect"}
  10. 나타나다 (verb):  "to appear" or "to turn up."  Also:  "to come into sight"
  1. 맞다 (verb):  "be hit (by)" or "be shot" or "be struck"
    1. --> Note: Usually when you see this word, it will translate into "correct" or "right", but in this context, we use its less-frequently used homophone.
  2. 빼앗기다 (verb):  "be captivated by" or "be charmed by"
  3. 천사 (noun):  "angel"
  4. 다가가다 (verb):  "to approach" or "draw near" or "come up (to)"
  5. 햇살 (noun):  "sun" or "sunlight" or "sunshine"
  6. 바다 (noun):  "sea" or "ocean"
  7. 조마조마하다 (adjective):  "afraid (of/that)" or "nervous [uneasy, anxious] (about)"
  8. 수줍다 (adjective):  "shy, bashful"
  9. 녹다 (verb):  "to melt" or "to run"
  10. 불을 지르다 (verb phrase):  "to set fire to" or "start a fire"
  1. 이제 (adverb):  now
  2. 보여주다 (verb):  show, let {a person} see [look at] (a thing), display
  3. 항상 (adverb):  always, at all times, all the time
  4. 망설 (noun):  a false [baseless] report
  5. 가다리다 (verb):  wait, hold on; hang on; expect; await; look forward to
  6. 주인 (noun):  owner (of);  master; proprietor; landlord, landlady;  host, hostess
  7. 떠올리다 (verb):  recall, recollect
  8. 소중하다 (adjective):  precious, valuable, dear; priceless
  9. 원하다 (verb):  want, wish, hope; desire; long (for/to do)
  10. 결국 (adverb):  finally, eventually, ultimately, after all, at (long) last, in the long run
  1. 바라보다 (verb):  "look (at)" or "watch" or "stare (at)" or "gaze (at/into)"
  2. 나쁘다 (adjective):  "bad" or "poor."  Also:  "wrong"
  3. 훔치다 (verb):  "pinch" or "steal (sth for sb), pilfer (from), purlion" or "lift" or "filch" or "swipe" or "knock sth off".  Also "steal"
  4. 못되다 (adjective):  "bad, mean, evil, wicked"
  5. 슬쩍 (adjective):  "stealthily, furtively, secretly" or "nimbly".  Also "secretly".
  6. 멀어지다 (verb):  "recede, die away".  Also "grow apart, drift apart".
  7. 두렵다 (adjective):  "fearful (of)" or "scared (of)"
  8. 싫어지다 (verb):  "become disgusted (with), get sick [tired] (of), get fed up (with)"
  9. 장난치다 (verb):  "play with" or "joke with" or "make fun of"
  10. 가깝다 (adjective):  "close to" or "nearby" or "near"
  1. 떨리다 (verb):  "shake" or "tremble."  Also, "shake, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, quake."  Also, "tremble, quiver."
  2. 생각 (noun):  "thought."  Also:  "idea" or "think" or "consider"
  3. 기분 (noun):  "feelings, mood"
  4. 부르다 (verb):  "call (out)."  Also, "say" or "call out" or "dictate."  Also, "sing."  Also, "call, send for" or "summon" or "invite."  Also, "call (sb sth), christen."  Also, "ask, quote."  Also, "cause, beget."
  5.  (adverb):  "just"
  6. 처음 (adverb):  "first."  Also:  "beginning" or "start."
  7.  (noun):  "snow"
    1. * "눈"'s other definition is eye!
  8. 하얗다 (adjective):  "white" or "fair" or "pale."  Also:  "(pure)"
  9. 우연히 (adverb):  "by change, by accident, accidentally."
  10. 마주치다 (verb):  "run into" or "bump into" or "come (run) across" or "happen to meet" or "chance (up)on"
  1. 전에 (adverb):  "previously" or "formerly"
  2. 새롭다 (adjective):  "new" or "fresh, original"
  3.  (adverb):  "{a little bit}" -->  indicates a degree of politeness
  4. 말투 (noun):  "one's way of speaking [talking]"
  5. 콧대가 높다 (verb phrase):  "to have a sharp nose."  Also:  "{snobbish}" or "{conceited}"
  6. 놀리다 (verb):  "tease, provoke" or "kid, pull one's leg" or "make fun of, poke fun at, play a joke [prank, trick] on sb"
  7. 잠깐만 (phrase):  "just a minute / moment / second"
  8. 후회 (noun):  "regret"
  9. 전혀 모르다 (adverb + verb):  "know nothing of" or "have not the slightest [faintest] idea" or "be quite ignorant of"
  10. 미루다 (verb):  "to delay" or "postpone" or "put off"
    1. 낡다 (adjective):  "old, worn (out), shabby, battered" or "beat-up"
    2. 해맑다 (adjective):  "bright."  Also:  "innocent" or "untainted"
    3. 샘솟다 (verb):  "surge (up), well (up)"
    4. 멈추다 (verb):  "to stop" or "to halt"
    5. 괴롭다:  (adjective):  "to be painful" or "to be distressed"
    6. 분홍 (noun):  "pink"
    7. 빛나다 (verb):  "shine, sparkle, twinkle, gleam"
    8. 잡다 (verb):  "stop" or "prevent [keep] (sb from leaving)"
    9. 태업 (noun):  "spring" or "clockwork"
    10. 넘기다 (verb):  "turn (over)" or "leaf through, riffle (through), flip (through)"
    1. 자극 (noun):  "stimulation, stimulus (stimuli), spur" or "excitement, thrills" or "stimulate, spur, excite, arouse" or "titillate" or "provoke, irritate"
    2. 멎다 (verb):  "to stop"
    3. 캄캄하다 (adjective):  "gloomy" or "hopeless" or "dark" or "dismal" or "bleak"
    4. 감추다 (verb):  "hide" or "conceal" or "keep sth secret [back]"
    5. 노리다 (verb):  "have an eye on" or "be out for" or "be after" or "aim for" or "seek" or "aim (at/for)"
    6. 시선 (noun):  "one's eyes."
    7. 거세다 (adjective):  "strong" or "wild" or "violent" or "fierce"
    8. 소용돌이 (noun):  "maelstrom" or "eddy" or "whirlpool"
    9. 물러나다 (verb):  "step [stand] back, go [move] back(ward), back off," or "draw back"
    10. 사납다 (adjective):  "wild, violent, fierce, ferocious."  Also, "stormy"
    11. *으르렁 (onomatopoeia):  "with a snarl [roar, growl]"
    1. 벌써 (adverb):  already
      1. *Has a sense of "so soon" rather than "previously"
    2. 서로 (pronoun):  "each other" or "one another"
    3. 지다 (verb):  "set" or "sink" or "go down"
    4. 기다리다 (verb):  "wait" or "hold on" or "expect" or "await" or "look forward to"
    5. 부탁 (verb):  "request"
    6. 부끄럽다 (adjective):  "ashamed, shameful, embarrassed."  Also, "shy, bashful"
    7. 길다 (adjective):  "long, lengthy"
    8. 용기 (noun):  "courage, nerve" or "guts" or "spunk" or "bravery"
    9. 자존심 (noun):  "one's pride, self-respect, self-esteem"
    10. 우리 (noun):  "us, we, ours, ourself"
      1. * In this case it is used as a polite way to say "my"
    1. 재다 (verb):  show off
    2. 앞서 가다 (verb):  go ahead (first); go before
    3. 최고의 (adjective):  top; number one; top-notch
    4. 유리조각 (noun):  a broken piece of glass; glass splinter
    5. 빛내다 (adverb):  {enhance, honor, acclaim}
    6. 열쇠 (noun):  key (to), clue (to)
    7. 소년 (noun):  boy
    8. 끌어안다 (verb):  embrace
    9. 치열하다 (verb):  fierce, intense
    10. 이뤄내다 (verb):  clinch; nail (down)
    1. 머리 (noun):  "hair"
      1. *Usually translates as "head" but in this context it has a different meaning.
    2. 조명 (noun);  "lighting" or "illumination"
    3. 터지다 (verb):  "to burst" or "pop"
    4.  (noun):  "sweat" or "perspiration"
    5. 젖다 (verb):  "get [be] wet [drenched]" or "get damp" or "get moist" or "get soaked"
    6. 울리다 (verb):  "sound" or "ring" or "toll" or "peal" or "go off" or "echo" or "(around/through) reverberate" or "resound"
      1. *Usually translates as "cry" but in this context it has a different meaning.
    7. 퍼지다 (verb):  "to spread (out)" or "flare out"
    8. 춤추다 (verb):  "dance (a dance" or "do a dance"
    9. 적시다 (adjective):  "wet" 
    10. 사작되다 (verb):  "begin"
    1. 더 이상 (adverb):  "(further)" or "(anymore)"
    2. 내리다 (verb):  "fall" or "come down" or "snow" or "rain"
    3. 뒤덮다 (verb):  "cover (sth in sth)"
    4. 외로움 (noun):  "loneliness" or "lonesomeness"
    5. 가운데 (noun):  "center" or "the middle"
    6. 홀로  (adverb):  "alone" or "by oneself" or "(all) on one's own" or "single-handed(ly)"
    7. 따위 (preposition?):  "etc." or "and the like" or "and so on [forth]"
    8. 두고보다 (verb):  "watch" or "keep watch over"
    9. 공기 (noun):  "air" or "atmosphere"
    10. 가두다 (verb):  "shut (sb) up (in)" or "lock up"
    1.  (noun):  "mountain"
    2. 발자국 (noun):  "footprint" or "tracks"
    3. 왕국 (noun):  "kingdom" or "empire"
    4. 여왕 (noun):  "queen"
    5. 들키다 (verb):  "be [get] caught" or "be discovered"
    6. 철저하다 (adjective):  "thoroughgoing" or "thorough" or "exhaustive"
    7. 나아가다 (verb):  "advance" or "proceed" or "go [move] forward".  Also, "progress"
    8. 괜찮다 (adjective):  "nice" or "good" or "fine" or "all right" or "OK" or "safe" or "secure"
    9. 몰아치다 (verb):  "rage"
    10. 능력 (noun):  "ability" or "capacity (for)" or "competence (in/of)" or "capability"
    1. 거울 (noun):  "mirror"
    2. 거들떠보다 (verb):  "{to give a look}" or "{to cast a look}" or "{ignore}"
    3. 제일 (adverb):  "(the) first" or "(the) most"
    4. 예쁘다 (adjective):  "pretty" or "beautiful" or "lovely"
    5. 비치다 (verb):  "shine" or "light up" or "break (through)"
    6. 매일 밤 (noun):  "every evening [night]" or "nightly" or "night after night"
    7. 들다 (verb):  "hold" or "take" or "pick up" or "carry"
    8. 놀라다 (verb):  "be shocked (at/by)" or "be stunned (at/by)"
    9. 다가가다 (verb):  "get close (to)" or "become close (with)"
    10. 흔들리다 (verb):  "falter" or "waver (between)" or "weaken"
    1. 무대 (noun):  "stage"
    2. 평범하다 (adjective):  "ordinary" or "common" or "normal" or "average" or "plain" or "run-of-the-mill"
    3. 인생 (noun):  "(human) life"
    4. 지루하다 (adjective):  "boring" or "bored" or "dull" or "tedious" or "tiresome" or "wearisome"
    5. 일상 (noun):  "everyday life" or "daily life"
    6. 하룻밤 (noun):  "one night" or "single night"
    7. 사로잡다 (verb):  "captivate" or "fascinate" or "win (one's heart)" or "knock sb out"
    8. 화려하다 (adjective):  "fancy" or "showy" or "splendid" or "colorful".  Also "impressive"
    9. 솜씨 (noun):  "skill (at/in)" or "ability" or "dexterity" or "knack"
    10. 아찔하다 (verb):  "dizzy"
    1. 모습 (noun):  "figure" or "form" or "image" or "reflection" or "(face)"
    2. 자꾸 (adverb):  "repeatedly" or "again and again" or "over and over again" or "often" or "frequently"
    3. 여자 (noun):  "woman" or "women" or "female" or "lady" or "girl"
    4. 천천히 (adjective):  "slowly" or "leisurely"
    5.  (noun):  "cheek"
    6. 얼굴 (noun):  "face"
    7. 산책 (noun):  "walk" or "stroll" or "take a walk"
    8. 소풍 (noun):  "(day) trip" or "picnic" or "outing" or "excursion"
    9.  (adverb):  "tight(ly)" or "fast"
    10. 간지럽다 (adjective):  "itchy" or "(dying to)" or "(burning)"
    1. 지우다 (verb):  "erase [wipe] (sth from one's mind)" or "blot out" or "purge (sb of sth)"
    2. 불어오다 (verb):  "blow (in) (from)"
    3. 텅 빈 (adjective):  "hollow" or "empty" or "vacant" or "bare"
    4. 새벽하늘 (noun):  "the dawning sky"
    5.  (noun):  "side"
    6. 떠나다 (verb):  "leave" or "depart" or "go off (to)"
    7. 짓다 (verb):  "{smile}" or "{make happy, etc.}"
    8. 낯설다 (adjective):  "unfamiliar"
    9. 어둡다 (adjective):  "dark" or "dusky" or "dim" or "gloomy"
    10. 언젠가 (adverb):  "sometime" or "someday" or "one day" or "one of these days"

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