March 6, 2013

Let's Learn Together: 봄날 (One Fine Spring Day) // 슈퍼주니어

Let's Learn Together:  봄날 (One Fine Spring Day) // 슈퍼주니어

Song:  봄날 (One Fine Spring Day)
Artist:  슈퍼주니어 // Super Junior
Album:  미인아 (Bonamana)

English:  N/A
Translation Difficulty:  4 / 10

Please credit "" or "angelsfallfast" when using the English translation.
[Edit: 3/7/14] [Edit: 4/7/14]

Just A Few Words:
This is something I dedicate to my grandfather, who passed away a few weeks ago.  It's a lovely song and I like the meaning behind it. :)

English:  N/A

Translation Difficulty:  4 / 10

10 Words:
  1. 화분 (noun):  flowerpot, pot
  2. 드리우다 (verb):  to cast
  3. 겨울 (noun):  winter
  4. 사실 (adverb):  fact, truth; actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, to be honest, to tell the truth
  5. 그리우다 (verb):  miss, long for; feel [be] homesick [for]
  6. 사소하다 (adjective):  trivial, minor, insignificant, unimportant, trifling, petty
  7. 향기 (noun):  scent, fragrance, perfume; redolence; aroma
  8. 흩어지다 (verb):  scatter, disperse
  9. 훗날 (noun):  the future
  10. 얘기하다 (verb):  [Informal - 이야기하다] to talk, speak, tell

Politeness Level:
The singer(s) are comfortable to the audience.  They are close friends, family, or in a relationship.

봄날 (One Fine Spring Day)
Spring Day (One Fine Spring Day)

그 날처럼 따뜻한 바람 불고, 그대가 사랑하던 화분엔 꽃이 피고
that // day + like // to be warm + [MOD] // wind // to blow + and /// you; your + [SUB] // to love + {past completed} // flower pot + [LOC] + [TOP] // flower + [SUB] // to bloom + and
Like that day, the wind that is warm blows, and for the flower pots, the flowers in the flower pots that you had loved, bloom and
-->  Like that day, the warm wind blows and the flowers in the flowers pots you loved bloom and
--->  Like that day, the warm wind blows and the potted flowers you loved, bloom.
---->  Like that day, the warm wind blows and your beloved potted flowers bloom.
----->  *A warm wind blows and your beloved potted plants bloom like that day. 
어느 샌가 [또] 봄날이 드리워도, 아직도 난 깊은 겨울 잠을 자고 싶어
{something happens before you're aware} + {emphasis} // [again, once more] // spring + day + [SUB] // to cast + even if /// still; yet + {emphasis} // I; me + [TOP] // hibernate + to want
Even if spring casts [itself] again before [you are] aware of it, as for me, I still want to hibernate
-->  Even if spring comes again before you know it, I still want to sleep deeply sleep.
--->  *Even if spring comes early again, I still want to hide away and sleep.

아주 멀리, 아주 멀리 그대가 있나요
very, so // far, far away // very, so // far, far away // you; your + [SUB] // to exist + {polite question}
Are you very far away, very far away?
-->  *Are you far from here?
사실 난 그대가 매일 그리운데
fact, truth // I; me + [TOP] // you; your + [SUB] // every day // to miss; long for +  therefore; and
As for me, truthfully you are what I long for every day, so
-->  Truthfully, you are what I long for every day
--->  Truthfully, I long for you each day
---->  *Honestly, I miss you all the time.
아주 작은, 아주 작은 사소한 것들에도 매일 그대가 생각이 나
very, so // to be small + [MOD] // very, so // to be small + [MOD] // to be trivial, minor + [MOD] // thing + {plural} + in...also // every day // you; your + [SUB] // to remember; recall
In the small things too that are trivial and that are so small, so small every day [I] recall you.
-->  In the things too that are trivial and are so small, so small, every day I remember you.
--->  In very small, very small and trivial things I recall you every day.
---->  Every day I remember you in very small, very small and trivial things.
---->  *I see you in every day in very small, very small trivial things.

방 안 가득 남아 위로해 주던 그대 향기가 꽃 속에 다 흩어져
room // inside; interior // {filled} // to be left (over); remain // to comfort; console + to give + {completed past - MOD} // you; your // scent; fragrance + [SUB] // flower; blossom // inside + [LOC] // all // to scatter; disperse
Your scent that had (in the past) given me comfort and remained [all over] the room interior disperses (all) in the flowers.
-->  Your scent that had given me comfort and remained in the room, disperses amongst the flowers.
--->  Your scent had remained and gave me comfort and now disperses amongst the flowers.
---->  *Your lingering presence that filled the room now disperses amongst the flowers.
언젠가는 느낄 수 없을까 봐
someday, one day + [TOP] // to feel + {without the ability to} + {action because of fear, worry}
As for one day, one day [I] fear [I will] no longer be able to feel [your presence].
-->  One day I fear I won't be able to feel your presence.
--->  I'm afraid that one day I won't be able feel you.
그대 있던 공기라도 붙잡아 두고 싶어
you; your // to exist + {completed past - MOD} // air; atmosphere + {last choice} // to catch, hold on + to keep, have + to want
I want to hang on to even the air that you had (in the past) existed.
-->  I want to hang on to even the air that you had lived in.
--->  *I want to hang on to even the air that you breathed.

아주 멀리, 아주 멀리 그대가 있나요
very, so // far, far away // very, so // far, far away // you; your + [SUB] // to exist + {polite question}
Are you very far away, very far away?
-->  *Are you far from here?
사실 난 그대가 매일 그리운데
fact, truth // I; me + [TOP] // you; your + [SUB] // every day // to miss; long for +  therefore; and
As for me, truthfully you are what I long for every day, so
-->  Truthfully, you are what I long for every day
--->  Truthfully, I long for you each day
---->  *Honestly, I miss you all the time.
아주 작은, 아주 작은 사소한 것들에도 매일 그대가 생각이 나
very, so // to be small + [MOD] // very, so // to be small + [MOD] // to be trivial, minor + [MOD] // thing + {plural} + in...also // every day // you; your + [SUB] // to remember; recall
In the small things too that are trivial and that are so small, so small every day [I] recall you.
-->  In the things too that are trivial and are so small, so small, every day I remember you.
--->  In very small, very small and trivial things I recall you every day.
---->  Every day I remember you in very small, very small and trivial things.
---->  *I see you in every day in very small, very small trivial things.

하루가 몇 달이 되고,
day + [SUB] // some; how many // month + [SUB] // to become + and
A day becomes some months and
-->  A day becomes months
--->  Days become months
언젠가는 내 맘에도 오늘 같은 새 봄이 올 텐데...
someday, one day + [TOP] // my // heart, mind + [LOC] + to, also // today // to be like + [MOD] // new // spring + [SUB] // to come + {strong intention} // ...
As for one day, in my heart too a new spring that is like today will come...
-->  Someday a new spring like today will come in my heart too...
--->  *In time my heart will be happy...
---->  *In time I'll be happy again...

아주 멀리, 아주 먼 곳에 있네요
very, so // far, far away // very, so // far, far away + [MOD] // place + [LOC] // to exist + {wonder, surprise}
Very far away, [you] are in a place that is very far away.
-->  So far away, you're in a place that is so far away.
--->  So far away, you're so far away.
그대의 매일은 봄날이라 믿어
you; your + [POS] // every day + [TOP] // spring + day + to be + {direct quote} // to trust; believe
As for your every day, believe [me] your every day are spring days.
-->  Believe me, your days are all spring days.
아주 먼 날, 아주 먼 훗날 그대 나를 만나면 늘 함께였다고 얘기해 줘
very, so // far, far away + [MOD] // day(s) // very, so // far, far away + [MOD] // future // you; your // I; me + [OBJ] // to meet + {uncertain or unrealized condition} // always, all the time // together (with) + to be + {past} + {indirect quotation} + to say, talk + {request}
Please tell [me] we were always together if you meet me [in] the distant future, [in] days that are so far away.
-->  If we meet {again} in the distant future, in far away days, tell me we were always together.
--->  *If we meet again in the distant future, tell me you were always with me.

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