July 25, 2014

SMROOKIE: 지성 [Ji Sung]

지성 [Ji Sung]

Credit: SMROOKIES Facebook

Full Name:  박지성 [Park Jisung]
Birthday:  February 5, 2002
Age:  12
Blood Type: O
Specialty: acting, dance
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Other Information:
Was a child TV actor, CF model.
Specialties are English, dancing, singing, football

SMROOKIES.com Greeting:

안녕하세요. 13살 지성 박입니다. 
사람들은 제가 2002년도에 태어나서 축구를 잘 하는 아이라고 하였습니다.
또 이름이 박지성이어서 많은 사람들이 오해를 하였습니다.
저는 사실 축구보다는 춤이 더 좋습니다.
그 중에서도 팝핀과 락킹을 제일 잘 합니다.
여러분도 저를 축구를 잘하는 지성이가 아니라 춤을 좋아하는 지성이로 알아주세요.
참고로 랩하고 노래도 좋아해요~^_^

Hello.  I'm 13 year old JiSung Park.
Everyone said that I was a child who would be good at soccer because I was born in 2002.
Also, because my name is JiSung Park, that was very confusing to many people.
I honestly like dancing more than soccer.
Above all,  I like pop and lock dancing the best.
Everyone, please recognize me as someone who likes dance and not as someone who is good at soccer.
For your reference, I also like rap and singing.~^_^
Translation Credit: 김다혜 [The SMART Style]

Holiday Greeting:

Photo Credit:  fanpop.com

S.M. Rookies 지성
안녕하세요?  S.M. Rookies 지성 (Ji Sung)입니다.
학교에서 공부하고, 연습에서 연습하고, 수업을 듣다보니 시간이 금방 지났어요.
벌써 크리스마스 예고 2014년이네요.

S.M. Rookies Ji Sung
Hello, how are you?  I'm S.M. Rookie(')s Ji Sung.
When I studied in school, practiced, or listened to my lessons, time passed quickly.
Already it's Christmas and 2014!
Translation Credit: 김다혜 [The SMART Style]

Official Photo Gallery:

Photo Credit:  SMROOKIES.com, SMROOKIES Facebook

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