January 9, 2014

Koreans and the Mandatory Military Service

Recently, I've been seeing a lot of articles about Yoo Seung Joon and a rumor about the possibility of him being let back into Korea.  It was no surprise that it turned out to be false.  I've also been reading the comments on these articles (not healthy, I know).  I can firmly say that most of the commentators have never spoken to a Korean person, males in particular.

No way in hell is Yoo Seung Joon going to ever be let back into the country.  He would (probably, I don't know the laws on military service on non-citizens serving) have to relinquish his US citizenship and then regain his Korean citizenship and then actually serve his time in the regular military or the marines, and not as a public service officer.  But seeing as he screwed himself over by promising to "honor Korea" by enlisting in the first place and then skipping town, I doubt they would let him come back on the promise he'd serve.

A lot of commentators are saying that Korea's laws are "backward", "stupid" and "why are Koreans still so upset about this?"  First of all, Korea is relatively small and still technically at war with North Korea.  They have only a cease fire agreement and apparently North Korea is very flippant about whether they will continue it or not.

Koreans also see joining the military as a rite of passage for men.  One of my male Korean friends who had just finished his time proudly declared he is now a man.  It also something that everyone has had to do, so damn well better do it too.  Everyone's sons, grandsons, nephews, fathers, uncles, boyfriends, and husbands has had to sacrifice two years of their life so you do too.

Even the ones who aren't gungho about going still understand it's their duty.  I have another Korean friend who isn't terribly enthusiastic about going.  However, when I told him "It sucks you have to go" he said:  "It's my duty to go" and that he would never consider not going.

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