웬디 [Wendy]
Have a great time during the rest of 2013!
Credit: redvelvet.smtown.com
Full Name: 손승환 [Son Seunghwan]
English Name: 손웬디 [Wendy Shon]
Birthday: February 21, 1994
Age: 20
Blood Type: O
Casting: 2012 SM Canadian Global Audition
Specialties: guitar; English
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Other Information:
Attended Richmond Hill High School.
From Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.
Member of Richmond Hill High School's Show Choir, Vocal Fusion (Soprano Line: 2010-2012).
Auditioned for Cube Entertainment in 2011 and was Finalist #8 (Feb. 27, 2011).
Speaks English, Korean.
Plays guitar, saxophone.
Official Appearances:
"슬픔 속에 그댈 지워야만 해" MV
"슬픔 속에 그댈 지워야만 해" Single
"Speak Now" Cover
MAPS magazine
Information Credit: SMROOKIES International; SMROOKIES.com
SMROOKIES.com Greeting:
슬픔속에 그댈 지워야만 해~ 여러분 이 노래 혹시 기억하시나요?
네~ 제가 바로 드라마 '미미'의 OST중 '슬픔 속에 그댈 지워야만 해'를 부른 웬디입니다 ^^
어렸을 때부터 음악을 좋아해서 노래도 많이 부르고 악기도 많이 배웠었는데요~
(요즘은 기타도 열심히 연습하고 있어요~^^)
이제는 여러분께 제 노래를 들려드릴 수 있어서 무척 행복합니다!!
아! 그거 아세요?
제 이름 Wendy의 뜻이 도움을 주는 친구래요~ㅎㅎ
앞으로 여러분들께 노래로 도움을 줄 수 있는 친구가 되겠습니다!
다음에 또 새로운 모습 보여드릴테니까 저 Wendy 잊지 말고 기억해주세용~~♡
앞으로 여러분들께 노래로 도움을 줄 수 있는 친구가 되겠습니다!
다음에 또 새로운 모습 보여드릴테니까 저 Wendy 잊지 말고 기억해주세용~~♡
"In my sorrow I must forget you"~ Everyone, do you remember this song by chance?
Yes~ I am Wendy who sang "In My Sorrow I Must Forget You" for the drama "MIMI"'s OST. ^^
Because I've liked music since I was young, I sang a lot and learned to play a lot of instruments~
(Lately I'm diligently practicing the guitar~ ^^)
Now since I'm able to sing for you all, I'm extremely happy!!
Ah! Did you know?
My name means "a friend who gives assistance"~ hee hee
In the future I will become a friend who can give you all assistance through song!
Next time I think I will show you a fresh image again, so please don't forget and remember me~~<3
Translation Credit: 김다혜 [The SMART Style]
Holiday Greeting:
Photo Credit: fanpop.com
안녕하세요 여러분! SM 루키걸 Wendy입니다!!
날씨가 많이 춥죠? 감기 걸리시지 않게 조심하세요~
얼마 남지 않은 2013년 잘 보내시구요!
2014 년도에는 하는 일들 다~ 잘 되시고 좋은 일들만 가득하길 바래요
앞으로도 열심히 하는 웬디 되겠습니다~!
Merry Christmas Happy New Year :)
Hello everyone! This is Wendy from SM Rookies!
I hope you all have wonderful holidays and I wish you a happy new year 2014!!! :)
I'll try harder and become a better Rookie girl!
Hello everyone! I'm SM Rookie Girl Wendy!!
Isn't it really cold? Be careful you don't catch a cold~Have a great time during the rest of 2013!
In 2014 as well I hope everything works out and that it is filled with only good days.
I will become someone who keeps working hard~!
Merry Christmas Happy New Year :)
Hello everyone! This is Wendy from SM Rookies!
I hope you all have wonderful holidays and I wish you a happy new year 2014!!! :)
I hope you all have wonderful holidays and I wish you a happy new year 2014!!! :)
I'll try harder and become a better Rookie girl!
Translation Credit: 김다혜 [The SMART Style]
Official Photo Gallery:
Photo Credit: SMROOKIES Facebook
Official Video Gallery:
Video Credit: SMTOWN YouTube